During times of change, we all know how vital it is to communicate effectively and for leaders to step up and inspire. One lesson Covid has taught us is that not all leaders are naturally equipped with the right people skills to maintain motivation, engagement and performance in times of remote working.
Not connecting effectively with employees during ‘normal times’ is bad enough, not connecting with them during a pandemic carries real risks to their mental health, wellbeing and motivation. Stress, insecurity and fear are compounded by a sense of isolation and the challenges of juggling work and family life. It is therefore critical for employers take action to find out how their people are coping and provide the appropriate levels of support.
Daily check-ins are a great way to do this, and technology such as Zoom and Teams, make this simple, regardless of location.
Managers have a pivotal role to play and are central to driving both engagement and wellbeing. The ability to ask the right questions, encouraging concerns to be shared in a trusted environment are so important in order to maintain wellbeing and purpose.
The reality is that not everyone is comfortable talking about their personal situation or home life to their manager, therefore running a confidential and anonymous survey is a fast and effective way to connect with employees. A targeted survey demonstrates that you care and evokes feelings of empathy and understanding. It provides people with a voice to view their opinion in a safe and
trusted environment.
Done well, a survey will help unite people, provide the business with valuable feedback and show employees that their opinion maters and they can make a difference.
Practically, the survey results will make sure that future communication hits the mark. It provides insight to help businesses put the right initiatives in place. And it will help managers focus their attention to where it’s most needed.
With high levels of job insecurity , it’s important to reassure employees that they can give honest and open feedback without fear of retribution. Conducting a confidential survey through an experienced third party provides that reassurance.
When we are out of this crisis and recalibrate our lives, it will be those employers that connected with their employees and took time to listen and response positively that will benefit from greater satisfaction, engagement and performance.
Passion Inc has 22+ years of experience in employee engagement, workplace culture and behaviour change. During this time, we’ve helped some of the world’s most exciting and fast-moving brands engage their people through times of challenge and change.
Our survey tool is intuitive, simple to implement, targeted and affordable. Click here to see for yourself. For more information, please visit our website or contact Kirsty.dean@passion-inc.co.uk.
Take care, stay safe.
Kirsty Dean – MD, Passion Inc